Glinka Rubinstein Glazunov: Sonatas for viola and piano
pełny spis kompozytorów
Schubert, Franz;
Stravinsky, Igor;
Glinka, Mikhail;
Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm;
Rubinstein, Anton;
Glazunov, Alexander
Kugel, Mikhail;
Berezovsky, Boris
nr katalogowy
MEL CD 10 02222
Violist Mikhail Kugel is well known in Europe where he has concertized for the last 20 years. +He has combined a career as a solo performer with membership in the celebrated Beethoven Quartet (in its last line-up), among other activities. +Mr. Kugel has expanded the viol repertoire by making numerous arrangements of music from different eras for the viola. +Some of them are featured on this disc. These recordings were made in concert between 2002-13 with noted pianist Boris Berezovsky.
Khachaturian: Violin Sonatas & Dances from Gayaneh & Spartacus
NI 6269
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Glinka Rubinstein Glazunov: Sonatas for viola and piano
1 szt
58,00 zł
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