On the occasion of the twentieth edition of La Folle Journée de Nantes, Mirare is publishing a box set of three CDs illustrating what the great moments of this extraordinary musical meeting could have been during all these years. The best talents, the revelations, the most emblematic musicians are present in this box. It reflects the musical excellence of all these artists and helps to understand why the choice of works and the emulation it arouses attract such a crowd at each edition. The works interpreted were chosen by René Martin, the creator and organizer of the Folle Journée among those that remain unforgettable in the memory of those who were present.
WYCOFANY Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 2, Theme & Variations
MIR 200
Napisz recenzję dla: 20 years, Les folles Journées
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20 years, Les folles Journées
1 szt
109,00 zł
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