Haydn, Michael

Haydn JM: Complete Wind Concertos 1

Salzburger Hofmusik;
Brunner, Wolfgang
nr katalogowy
CPO 777781
Our recording of Michael Haydn's chamber divertimenti and the grand edition of his complete symphonic works met with such great resonance that we are now pleased to present to you the Salzburg Haydn's complete wind concertos. The Salzburger Hofmusik performs under Wolfgang Brunner, who is regarded as one of the leading specialists in the field of historical keyboard instruments. This approach represents the most authentic interpretation of this enchanting and entertaining music from the early classical period. Apart from the three wind concertos designated as concertos in the autographic versions, all of the works recorded here on Vol. 1 are individual movements for concertizing instruments from Haydn's serenades or symphonies. The rich panoply of many different solo instruments attests to the delight in experimentation typical of Michael Haydn. He developed a personal note marked by a musical humor and wealth of imagination not to be found in just this way in the music of that other great Salzburg composer – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Haydn's compositions appeal directly to the listener and are typically distinguished by two outstanding qualities: the invention of beautiful cantabile melodies and the challenge posed to the soloists by technically difficult passages of the highest virtuosity.
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Haydn JM: Complete Wind Concertos 1

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