Mendelssohn, Felix

Mendelssohn: Piano Trios

Trio Wanderer
nr katalogowy
HMA 1951961
Nakład wyprzedany, ostatni egzemplarz

BBC Music Magazine Chamber Choice Daily Telegraph Classical CD of the Week 'There have been fine recordings of these pieces but none that brings them more vividly to life.' Chamber Choice, BBC Music Magazine, Proms 2007 'White hot: Trio Wanderer's performance is incandescent...These ardent, combustible performances remind us that, for all his classical finesse of workmanship, Mendelssohn's was a true Romantic sensibility, restless, impulsive and impassioned. Passion is the keynote here. Where some groups play up the elegiac aspects of the D minor's first movement, Trio Wanderer take on board Mendelssohn's agitato direction and give the most impetuous reading I can remember, coursing over the bar-lines and driving to a torrential final climax. The fanciful fairy-scherzo is a miracle of poise and grace at speed, while in the finale they avoid the trap of rhythmic over-emphasis and sweep the music forward in vast, soaring spans.
The C minor Trio (No 2) has always been less favoured than the D minor. But in the Wanderer's incandescent performance, it seems at least as fine. In the smouldering first movement - the most Brahmsian piece Mendelssohn ever wrote - they ratchet up the development to an excruciating pitch of tension, and then conjure a wonderful sense of mysterious expectancy in the tranquillo coda.
The barcarolle slow movement, often a cue for indulgence, here glides and shimmers with a dreamlike delicacy. As for the finale, Mendelssohn's integration of a Lutheran chorale into his turbulent musical narrative has rarely seemed as convincing as this. As ever, the playing marries lucidity of texture with an urgent singing line. And when the apotheosis arrives, it has a glorious sense of inevitability and release, with no whiff of bombast.
Trio Wanderer are up against some formidable rivals in these great works. But for mingled poetry and white-hot intensity, they have few, if any, peers.' Richard Wigmore, Classical CD of the Week, The Daily Telegraph, 14 July 2007


Klaviertrio D-Moll Op. 49
•I. Molto Allegro Agitato
•II. Andante Con Moto Tranquillo
•III. Scherzo, Leggiero E Vivace
•IV. Finale, Allegro Assai
Klaviertrio C-Moll Op. 66
• I. Allegro Energico E Con Fuoco
• II. Andante Espressivo
• III. Scherzo, Molto Allegro Quasi Presto
• IV. Finale, Allegro Appassionato
Muzyka klasyczna
Harmonia Mundi
data wydania
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Mendelssohn: Piano Trios

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