Probably written between 1705 and 1725, the works by Telemann presented on this recording are not united only by the presence of a solo recorder. They also offer an eloquent testimony to that typically German hybrid style composed of French, Italian, and native elements. The celebrated ‘Maritime Overture’ called ‘Hamburg Ebb and Flow’ stands out as perhaps one of the most accomplished orchestral works Telemann ever produced.
Telemann: Concerto TWV 51:C1 in C major for recorder, strings & b.c. •
Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:a2 in A minor for recorder (flute), strings & b.c. •
Telemann: Overture (Suite) TWV 55:C3 in C major for wind, strings & b.c. 'Hamburger Ebb und Fluth' ('Wassermusik')
Schumann :Andreas Staier plays Schumann on period piano
HMX 2908739.41
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Telemann, Georg Philipp
Telemann: Concertos pour flute a bec
1 szt
109,00 zł
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