The Virtuoso Recorder II - Sammartini, Fiorenza, Mancini, Tartini...
pełny spis kompozytorów
Tartini, Giuseppe;
Hasse, Johann Adolf;
Sammartini, Giuseppe;
Vinci, Leonardo;
Fiorenza, Nicola;
Mancini, Francesco;
Piani, Giovanni Antonio
Cappella Academica Frankfurt;
Schneider, Michael
nr katalogowy
CPO 777 316-2
Following our collection of German baroque virtuosic recorder concertos two years ago, a release to be described as nothing other than sensational. Michael Schneider now turns to baroque Italy. Here too there were centers such as Venice (especially at the Ospedale della Pietà with Vivaldi) and Naples where the recorder was played on a high level. On his latest production Schneider shows just what wonderful recorder discoveries can be made in Italy in addition to Vivaldi's works, which he has also presented on cpo. Various collections from Italian libraries and private inventories facilitate the treasure hunt, with works by Nicola Fiorenza, Francesco Mancini, and Antonio Piani coming to light. The Concerto in F major by Giuseppe Sammartini for soprano recorder is a classic of the literature, a genuinely magnificent Concerto for this flute type often dismissed as a school instrument. The great violin virtuoso Giuseppe Tartini offers a true find with his Concertino, recorded here for the first time.
Telemann: The Grand Concertos for mixed instruments Vol. 1
CPO 777 859-2
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The Virtuoso Recorder II - Sammartini, Fiorenza, Mancini, Tartini...
1 szt
58,00 zł
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