Altissimo! Recordings is proud to present this great collection of traditional folk songs we all grew up singing. This album contains songs spanning two centuries. Important times and themes in American history are represented here including early nineteenth century, music from the Appalachians, three great tunes from the "Father of American Music," Stephen Foster, songs from the Civil War era, African-American spirituals, ragtime, then to Broadway hits, what we like to call "campfire songs," Dixieland jazz, popular songs from the folk revival, and country music classics. Folk Treasures of America gives you the opportunity to sing along and enjoy the music that helped to shape this great country.
Debussy, Claude,
Sibelius, Jean,
Schönberg, Arnold
Debussy, Sibelius, Schönberg: Pelleas et Melisande
SU 3899-2
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Folk Treasures of America
1 szt
58,00 zł
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