SCHUMANN: Piano Quintet, Piano Quartet, Märchenerzählungen
Fine Arts Quartet;
Wang, Xiayin
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Between 1841 and 1843 some of Robert Schumann's most magnificent chamber music works were written, including the Piano Quartet and the Piano Quintet, both in E flat major.
With the quintet, which was formed in the almost unbelievably short time of only five days, Schumann shows both the heroic as well as the lyrical impulses in his music. Daring and songlike tenderness form a charming contrast and marching themes alternate with lyrical Divide.
The quartet also exudes these qualities, especially in the ravishing slow movement.
The Fine Arts Quartet, which, according to the Rheinpfalz, "can play with equal lucidity, precision and power", is a magnificent choice for this recording.
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Schumann, Robert
SCHUMANN: Piano Quintet, Piano Quartet, Märchenerzählungen
1 szt
58,00 zł
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