Not only was Camille Saint-Saëns a piano virtuoso, eulogised by Liszt amongst many others, but he was one of the most exciting and imaginative of composers for the instrument. He enjoyed taking baroque and classical forms and translating them into his own brand of romantic language, qualities that Geoffrey Burleson explores so adroitly in this second volume of the complete piano music. • His Six Fugues, Op. 161 are masterly and complex character studies, devoid of academic leanings, whilst his famous Allegro Appassionato, Op. 70 possesses brilliance and lyrical depth. The Thême Varié, Op. 97 is witty and explosive, the Suite, Op. 90 full of charm, and the Allegro, Op. 29 possessed of dazzling breadth.
Muzyka klasyczna
Grand Piano
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Produkt nagrodzony:
MusicWeb International: 'Recording of the Month' (2012)
Martinu: Complete Piano Music Vol. 7 - Pohádka o Zlatovlásce, Z pohádek Andersenových
Napisz recenzję dla: Tcherepnin: Complete Piano Music Vol. 1
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Tcherepnin, Alexander
Tcherepnin: Complete Piano Music Vol. 1
1 szt
58,00 zł
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