Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto;
Dini Ciacci, Diego
nr katalogowy
CPO 777715
Vivaldi alone wrote thirty concertos for oboe, and the rest of the Concerto repertoire for oboe also experienced its absolute zenith during the Italian baroque, with this success continuing into the next century. These concertos convinced audiences with their melodic wealth of ideas and the natural elegance of the Italian style. On the present CD Diego Dini Ciacci, one of the greatest Italian virtuosos on the oboe, interprets concertos for oboe and English horn by Rosetti, Donizetti, Bellini, Sammartini, Pilotti, and Aguilar with his Orchestra da Camera di Padova e del Veneto. And as already on his cpo recording of oboe concertos by Giuseppe Ferlendis (cpo 777 368-2), »the exemplary, engaged rendering of the concertos [is] to be praised« (klassik-heute. com 3 / 08).
NAUMANN Johann Gottlieb: La Passione di Gesù Cristo
CPO 777365
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Concerti per Oboe - Sammartini, Bellini
1 szt
58,00 zł
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