Il pastor fido - Madrigali amorosi - d’India, Monteverdi, & Marenzio
Il Complesso Barocco;
Curtis, Alan
nr katalogowy
PC 10257
The shepherd's play "Il pastor fido" by Giovanni Battista Guarini (1535-1612) may not be convincing as a drama, but the beauty and elegance of the language and the versification made it one of the most popular poems of the late 16th and 17th centuries. This is shown by the countless settings from this period alone, of which those by Sigismondo d'India, Claudio Monteverdi and Luca Marenzio are certainly among the most excellent. Alan Curtis has put together here some madrigals after Guarini's successful piece, which inspired the three composers and of course the singers of Il Complesso Barocco to top performances of madrigal art.
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SY 93S25
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Monteverdi, Claudio,
Marenzio, Luca
Il pastor fido - Madrigali amorosi - d’India, Monteverdi, & Marenzio
1 szt
68,00 zł
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