Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra;
Lloyd-Jones, David
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William Alwyn's extensive oeuvre also includes several descriptive works, such as the dramatic overture The Moor of Venice, which explores the difficult and unwieldy main character from Shakespeare's Othello. In general, Alwyn always succeeds to an astonishing degree in expressing very different moods in his orchestral works. This is also true of the Serenade and the orchestral version of the Seven Irish Tunes, which can be heard on this CD as a world premiere recording. David Lloyd-Jones completes this CD series with the Concerto Grosso No. 3, dedicated to Sir Henry Wood
Bax: Complete Symphonies and Other Orchestral Works
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Alwyn, William
Alwyn: Concerti Grossi Nos. 2 and 3
1 szt
58,00 zł
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