Nakład wyprzedany, ostatnie 2 egzemplarze Cioseł associated with the folklore of the Balkans, the musical tradition of Slovenia also has a Romantic branch born at the confluence of the Alps and the Adriatic, between Austria and Italy. Very attached to their origins (their parents are Slovenian), Bernarda and Marcos Fink have selected the most representative songs and duets of a style which, around the turn of the 20th century, combined the poetic rigour of the great European musical centres – the influence of the lied is obvious – with the expression of its own identity.
Adamič: Trobentice (Primroses)
Adamič: Uspavanka (Lullaby)
Gerbič: Kam? (Where?)
Gerbič: Pojdem na prejo (I’ll Watch the Girls Spinning)
Gerbič: V noči (In the Night)
Geržinič: Jesenska pesem (Autumn Song)
Geržinič: Mrak Dusk
Geržinič: Pomladna radost (Spring Delight)
Geržinič: Žalostno pismo (Sad Letter)
Ipavec: Božji volek (Ladybird)
Ipavec: Divja roža in bršljan (Wild Rose and Ivy)
Ipavec: Mak žari (Poppy Glows)
Ipavec: Pomladna noč (Spring Night)
Ipavec: Pomladni počitek (Spring Rest)
Ipavec: Pomladni veter (Spring Breeze)
Ipavec: V noči (In the Night)
Ipavec: V spominsko knjigo (In a Memorial Book)
Jenko: Na tujih tleh (Abroad)
Lajovic: Kaj bi le gledal (Jamie Come Try Me)
Lajovic: Mesec v izbi (My Fatherland)
Lajovic: Serenada (Serenade)
Mašek, K: Pod oknom (Under the Window)
Pavčič: Ciciban
Pavčič: Cicifuj
Pavčič: Dedek samonog (Grandpa Single-Leg)
Pavčič: Uspavanka II (Lullaby No. 2)
Prelovec: Jesenska noč (Autumn Night)
Škerjanc: Beli oblaki (White Clouds)
Škerjanc: Jesenska Pesem (Autumn Song)
Škerjanc: Pesem (Song)
Škerjanc: Počitek pod goro (Moon over Mountain Pass)
Škerjanc: Večerna impresija (Evening Impression)
Škerjanc: Vizija (Vision)