Berg's masterful and thought-provoking opera tells the gripping story of the rise and fall of an alluring, destructive but vulnerable woman, culminating in her death at the hands of Jack the Ripper. Christof Loy's austere, minimalist production allows the complexities of the drama to unfold through the sumptuous, taut beauty of the score. Agneta Eichenholz and Michael Volle lead an all-star cast under Antonio Pappano. Philip Langridge took the role of the Prince, in his last stage appearance before his sudden death earlier this year. Recorded in High Definition and true surround sound.
Telemann: Ich hoffete aufs Licht - Funeral Music for Emperor Karl VII
CPO 777 603-2
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Berg, Alban
Berg: Lulu
1 szt
120,00 zł
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