Nelsons, Andris;
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House;
Royal Opera House Covent Garden Chorus
nr katalogowy
DVD OA 1027 D
John Copley’s enduring production of one of the most famously melodious and popular of all operas is a classic of the Royal Opera repertory. With historically accurate designs by Julia Trevelyan Oman and an excellent cast headed by Hibla Gerzmava and Teodor Ilincai, this 2009 revival, in which conductor Andris Nelsons makes a distinguished Royal Opera House debut, does full justice to Puccini’s masterpiece. Filmed in High Definition and recorded in true surround sound.
Benjamin: Written on Skin; Lessons in Love and Violence
OA 1309 BD
Napisz recenzję dla: Puccini: La Boheme
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Puccini, Giacomo
Puccini: La Boheme
1 szt
105,00 zł
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