A Parisian in Paris - Contemporary Works for Guitar
Bianco, Gabriel;
Quatuor Eclisses
nr katalogowy
This album presents a diverse selection of world premieres commissioned by the award-winning guitarist, Gabriel Bianco, from composers who have lived and worked in his native Paris. These range from the swirling Spanish motifs in Matthieu Stefanelli’s Ellipsis for four guitars, featuring the Quatuor Éclisses, to Camille Pépin’s hypnotic Autumn Rhythm and Thomas Viloteau’s festive A Night in Bastille – just a few of the highlights in this programme of new guitar music from the City of Light.
•Beffa: Le Miroir des heures • Matton, J: Sonate pour guitare seule • Ourkouzounov: Trakiiska Elegia • Stefanelli: Ellipsis
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A Parisian in Paris - Contemporary Works for Guitar
1 szt
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