Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice;
Štilec, Marek
nr katalogowy
Paul Wranitzky began composing late in life compared to his friend Mozart, but quickly rose to become the most important symphonist in Vienna by the end of the 1790s. The dramatic Grande sinfonie caractéristique pour la paix avec la République françoise depicts the French Revolution and France’s subsequent war with Austria. Political complications saw its performance in Vienna forbidden by Imperial decree, but this did not end Wranitzky’s success at court: the exuberant Symphony in D major and the charming ‘Hunt Symphony’, both unpublished, come from the collection of the Emperor’s brother.
•Wranitzky: Symphonie Es-Dur "Jagd-Symphonie" (Postolka 31) •Wranitzky: Symphonie D-Dur (Postolka 17) •Wranitzky: Symphonie C-Dur op. 31 "Grande sinfonie caracteristique pour la paix avec la Republique francoise" (Postolka 12)
Napisz recenzję dla: Wranitzky: Orchestral Works Vol. 8
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Wranitzky, Paul
Wranitzky: Orchestral Works Vol. 8
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