Around 1900 it was fashionable and very fashionable to compose large confessional symphonic narratives: Richard Strauss, with his "Zarathustra," "Heldenleben," or "Sinfonia domestica," may be the best-known example. Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek (1860-1945), whom cpo is helping to bring back to attention with an edition of his works, also wrote two such confessional works: "Schlemihl" in 1912 and "Sieger" in 1913: this work is intended as a counterpart to the composer's "Schlemihl". Here an unlucky man, there a man who succeeds in everything, cold, hard, but bold and enterprising. He renounces love and chooses a companion to his liking. Thus, made for each other, both climb the summit of success and accumulate riches. Suddenly he falls ill. His companion leaves him. On his deathbed he sees his whole life passing before his mind's eye..... This is how Reznicek described the plot of his "victor". Contemporaries floated biographical speculations: While "Schlemihl" was supposed to be a self-portrait, the "Sieger" would be the unflattering portrait of the supposed friend (and competitor...) Richard Strauss. Be that as it may, it is great, exciting symphonic music in hypertrophic sonic splendor - with this E. N. has even trumped "Heldenleben". Michail Jurowski conducts the WDR Symphony Orchestra.
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Reznicek, Emil Nikolaus von
REZNICEK: Der Sieger, Symphonic Poem
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