Today, anyone who seeks information about the composer Sebastiano Moratelli (1640-1706) in the great music encyclopedias such as the MGG or the New Grove will be surprised to learn that although he was highly honored and famous in his day, not a single note of his has survived. Wolfgang Brunner and his Salzburg Court Music can disprove this, as they unearthed some time ago a wonderful Moratellian music that was hidden in the archives: the serenata "La Faretra Smarita". This mini-opera about Cupid's lost quiver was probably written by Moratelli at the behest of Elector Johann Wilhelm von der Pfalz for his wife Anna Maria Louisa of the Medici family. The unusually variedly orchestrated little opera was probably written around 1690 and is as entertaining today as it was 300 years ago.
Napisz recenzję dla: MORATELLI: La Faretra Samarrita
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Moratelli, Sebastiano
MORATELLI: La Faretra Samarrita
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