różni kompozytorzy

The Madrigal Reimagined

pełny spis kompozytorów
Merulo, Claudio;
Nauwach, Johann;
Monteverdi, Claudio;
Rore, Cipriano de;
Adriaenssen, Emannuel;
Bovicelli, Giovanni Battista;
Bassani, Orazio;
Malvezzi, Cristofano;
Caccini, Giulio;
Cavalieri, Emilio de;
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da;
Gabrieli, Giovanni;
Tracetti, Lorenzo
Ely, Hannah;
Carr, Toby;
Monteverdi String Band;
Webber, Oliver
nr katalogowy
RES 10341
The sixteenth-century madrigal, a deceptively simple, whimsical poetic form of no fixed structure, had an elusive quality that was to prove inspirational to generations of musicians; madrigal settings came to form the core of many composers’ outputs and quickly evolved a musical identity independent of their poetic origins.

‘The Madrigal Reimagined’ opens a window on how musicians exploited the madrigal’s charm, poignancy and flexibility, with settings ranging from intimate solos to grand operatic scenes; virtuoso diminutions, old and new, share the stage with touching, subtle dissonance in music by Rore, Bovicelli, Caccini, Monteverdi and others.

The Monteverdi String Band is joined by soprano Hannah Ely and lutenist Toby Carr under the direction of violinist Oliver Webber.


•Claudio Merulo: Canzon decimottava
• Johann Nauwachs: Cruda Amarilli
• Claudio Monteverdi: Orfeo (Auszüge)
• Claudio Monteverdi: Cruda Amarilli
• Claudio Monteverdi: Entrata & Ballo aus Il Ballo dell'ingrate
• Claudio Monteverdi: Ah, dolente partita
• Claudio Monteverdi: Ahi, troppo e duro
• Cipriano de Rore: Anchor che col partire & Vergine bella in Lautentabulaturen
• Cristofano Malvezzi: Sinfonia a 6 aus Quarto Intermedio"
• Giulio Cacchini: Io che dal ciel aus Quarto Intermedio
• Emilio de' Cavaliere: O che nuovo miracolo aus Sesto Intermedio
• Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon prima
• Giovanni Perluigi da Palestrina: Vesta i colli
• Lorenzino Tracetti: Preludium G-Dur
• Cipriano de Rore: Hor che'l ciel et la terra
• Cipriano de Rore: Ben qui si monstra il ciel
Muzyka klasyczna
Resonus Classics
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
The Madrigal Reimagined

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cena 57,60 obniżona z 64,00


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