różni kompozytorzy

Edition Staatskapelle Dresden Vol. 49

pełny spis kompozytorów
Brahms, Johannes;
Reger, Max;
Schubert, Franz;
Bizet, Georges
Staatskapelle Dresden;
Böhm, Karl
nr katalogowy
PH 20056
Historical Recordings 1937, 1939, 1942

“I headed the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden for nine years – the most wonderful and meaningful time of my life”, wrote Karl Böhm in 1973 for the 425th anniversary of the orchestra. He was forty years of age in 1934, when he moved up the Elbe from Hamburg to assume direction of the Dresden State Orchestra and Opera. There, his sensitive yet dramatic style of conducting, his vigour and intellectual resilience, his feel for classical form and unerring sense of tempo (not to mention his strict discipline and utterly infallible hearing) very soon won the respect and trust of the musicians and singers in his charge; they did after all represent one of the best orchestras and most capable opera ensembles in Europe


•Brahms: Symphonie Nr. 4 e-Moll op. 98 in E Minor, Op. 98
• Reger: Variationen und Fuge über ein Thema von Mozart op. 132, Op. 132
• Reger: »Eine himmlische Radioübertragung« 2:01 Erinnerungen von Herbert Blomstedt, Op. 132
• Schubert: Symphonie Nr. 5 B-Dur D 485 in B Flat Major, D485
• Bizet: »Carmen«-Opernquerschnitt
CD x 2
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Edition Staatskapelle Dresden Vol. 49

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Klienci, którzy kupili ten produkt, kupili również

Tartini, Giuseppe

Tartini: 30 Sonate piccole Vol. 4

TOCC 0363

Bruckner, Anton

Bruckner: Symphony No. 1

FB 1310322

Clementi, Muzio

Clementi: Late Piano Works

GCD C80028

Bruckner, Anton

Bruckner: Symphonie IX + version for 2 pianos


Rautavaara, Einojuhani

Rautavaara: Works for Cello and Piano

ODE 1310-2

Weinberg, Mieczysław

Weinberg: Complete Violin Sonatas Vol. 2

TOCC 0026

Boccherini, Luigi

Boccherini: Six String Quartets Op. 15

CDS 7704

różni kompozytorzy

Preludes & Variations

HMU 907477

Stravinsky, Igor

Stravinsky - The Rake's Progress

DVD OA 0991 D

Pasquini, Bernardo

Pasquini: Cain & Abel (oratorio)

PC 10236

Schubert, Franz

SCHUBERT: Piano transcriptions


Neukomm, Sigismund

Neukomm: Quintet, Septet, Octet, Nonet

CPO 777 621-2

Hume, Tobias

HUME: Capitain Humes ... vol. 2


różni kompozytorzy



Schoenberg, Arnold

Schoenberg: Complete Songs

C 7120

Pozostałe płyty tego kompozytora

Bizet, Georges, Lecocq, Charles

Bizet & Lecocq: Le docteur Miracle

CC 9113 CD

różni kompozytorzy

Piano Laureate Recital - Brahms, Debussy, Roman, Granados


Schubert, Franz

WYCOFANY Schubert: Piano Trios op. 99 & 100

HMC 902233.34

różni kompozytorzy



Bizet, Georges

Bizet: Carmen / Alagna

DVD 707308

różni kompozytorzy

Stolen Pearls

CCS 43121

Brahms, Johannes

Brahms: The Piano Trios

ODE 1271-2D

różni kompozytorzy

Most Famous Piano Concertos - Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms

PH 13033

różni kompozytorzy

Hallé Tradition – Dvorak, Elgar,, Bruch, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Brahms,Harty, Hamilton, Sargent, Malcolm

HLT 8004

Schubert, Franz

Schubert: Eine Winterreise

NBD 0165 V

Schubert, Franz

SCHUBERT: Symphony no. 4


Brahms, Johannes, Schumann, Robert

SCHUMANN / BRAHMS: Piano works


Schubert, Franz

Schubert: Violin Sonatas (1816)


Brahms, Johannes

Brahms: Serenades 1 & 2; Overtures; Haydn Variations


Brahms, Johannes

Brahms: Violin Concerto

MEL LP 0056

Pozostałe płyty tego wykonawcy

Brahms, Johannes, Tchaikovsky, Piotr, Liszt, Franz

Brahms: Double Concerto; Tchaikovsky: Romeo & Juliet; Liszt: Les Preludes


Beethoven, Ludwig van

Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 "Ode an die Freude"


Schubert, Franz

Quintessence Schubert: Complete Symphonies; Rosamunde


Strauss, Richard

Strauss: Vier letzte Lieder Eine Alpensinfonie

DVD 726504

Weber, Carl Maria von

Weber: Der Freischütz


Beethoven, Ludwig van

Beethoven: Symphonie Nr. 3

PH 15050

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

WYCOFANY Mozart at Salzburg Festival (6 DVD) / 107521

DVD 107521

Bruckner, Anton

Bruckner: Symphony no 4

DVD 732604

Strauss, Richard

Strauss Richard Gala


Bruckner, Anton

Bruckner: Symphony No. 8


Elgar, Edward

Elgar, Edward: The Dream of Gerontius

PH 12017

Strauss, Richard

Strauss: Der Bürger als Edelmann, Salome's Dance, Der Rosenkavalier Waltz

PH 12018

Bruckner, Anton

Bruckner: Symphony No. 2


Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Mozart: Piano Concertos 20, 21, 27

DVD 734004

Bruckner, Anton

Bruckner: Symphonie Nr. 1

PH 18083