
Stemeseder Lillinger Quartet: Umbra II

Evans, Peter;
Stemeseder, Elias;
Hall, Russell;
Lillinger, Christian
nr katalogowy
INT 423
It is impressive how, over the last three years, the Austrian keyboard instrumentalist Elias Stemeseder and the German percussionist Christian Lillinger have developed a remarkable artistic partnership, which has already found expression in a series of different recordings. Expanding into a quartet with Peter Evans and Russell Hall, they reveal further facets of their collaboration on Umbra II. Unlike its production-heavy prede-cessor Umbra, the music on Umbra II is entirely acoustic and the band’s sound has a classical feel. This album, which has the strongest and most direct connection to the jazz tradition to date, was recorded at the venerable Van Gelder Studio in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. “The duo are always looking ahead, whether that means bringing in new collaborators, em-bracing novel techniques, or adding new tools to its instrumen-tal arsenal. Umbra ll represents one leg of an ongoing journey. Here’s hoping the destination always remains elusive”, writes Peter Margasak in the liner notes.
Intakt Records
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Stemeseder Lillinger Quartet: Umbra II

(Produkt nie został jeszcze oceniony)

cena 68,00


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