
Sanchez Trio: Perpetual Void

Sanchez, Marta
nr katalogowy
INT 421
The New York-based pianist and composer Marta Sanchez is on her way to the top of the international jazz world. With Perpetual Void, she presents her first trio album on Intakt Records. Sanchez, currently a member of the David Murray Quartet, pens captivating compositions for this impressive trio, where all three personalities shine. Savannah Harris and Chris Tordini are in top form, both as eloquent soloists and as ensemble partners, as they negotiate the polyphonic and cross-rhythmic currents and dynamic contrasts that in-form Sanchez’s writing. As Lauren du Graf writes in the liner notes, the trio setting allows “Sanchez’s voice to cut through with cinematic clarity, with ample room for her to interact with her rhythm section, which she does with both freedom and sensitivity.” And she adds: “Perpetual Void is a testament to Sanchez’s singular greatness, establishing her pianistic voice more vividly than ever.” This album is sure to stand as one of the most compelling piano trio recordings of this year.
Intakt Records
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Sanchez Trio: Perpetual Void

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cena 68,00


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