różni kompozytorzy

Francesco de Goya - Music around the Painter

pełny spis kompozytorów
Laserna, Blas de;
Guerrero, Antonio;
Scarlatti, Domenico;
Courcelle, Francisco
La Real Cámara;
Moreno, Emilio
nr katalogowy
GCD C80303
For this 1996 recording, Emilio Moreno gathered a group of early music lights including soprano Marta Almajano, violinist Enrico Gatti, harpsichordist Guido Morini or percussionist Pedro Estevan. The objective: to provide a varied musical soundscape with pieces that the Spanish painter Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) might have heard in the palaces, in the theatres, in the churches, and on the streets of his time. The programme offers a colourful succession of songs and instrumental pieces which provide the listener the perfect complement to Goya’s paintings in all their diversity. Moreno writes in his booklet essay: ‘Whether popular or art music, simple or intellectual, cultured reminiscences or preromantic palpitations which Goya was already anticipating in his work [...], we hope that hearing it will in some way round out the multi-faceted image of this painter without condescension or excesses, [...] music in fact impregnated with that spirit of illustration which the artist, as nobody else, displays.’


• Luys Milan: Pavana VI
• Luys Milan: Romance de Durandarte
• Luys Milan: Romance de Valdovinos
• Anonymus: Al alva venid
• Anonymus: Que me quereis, caballero
• Anonymus: Romance de Don Gayferos
• Anonymus: Madre, la mi madre
• Anonymus: Ay luna que reluces
• Anonymus: No hay que decirle el primor
• Anonymus: Que bonito nino chiquito
• Anonymus: Romance del Marques de Mantua
• Anonymus: Al villano se la dan
• Juan Aranes: A la vida bona
• Alonso Mudarra: Gallarda
•Alonso Mudarra: Fantasia X sobra la folia
•Alonso Mudarra: Beatus ille
•Francisco Guerrero: Prado verde y florido
•Antonio Martin y Coll: Canarios; Villanos
•Antonio Ribera: Romance de Cardenio
•Diego Ortiz: Reccercadas segunda & octava
•Luys de Narvaez: Romance del Conde Claros
•Gabriel Mena: De la dulce mi enemiga
•Diego Pisador: Flerida, para mi dulce y sabrosa
Muzyka klasyczna
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Francesco de Goya - Music around the Painter

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cena 45,00


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