różni kompozytorzy

Don Quixote, Music around the Novel

pełny spis kompozytorów
Milan, Lluys;
Aranes, Juan;
Mudarra, Alonso;
Guerrero, Francisco;
Martin y Coll, Antonio;
De Ribera, Antonio;
Ortiz, Diego;
Pisador, Diego;
Narvaez, Luys de
Oprhenica Lyra;
Moreno, Jose Miguel
nr katalogowy
GCD C80207
This recording is no ‘music in the times of...’, nor an association of a composer to the myth on the sole basis of their coincidence in time, nor a work inspired by the novel, but precisely that which everybody felt to be missing: a kind of ‘soundtrack’ for the Quixote, in which the musical references which pepper Cervantes’ great work and some of his Novelas Ejemplares are collected and lovingly performed. Romances and songs alternate with dances such as chaconnes, folías and jácaras, creating a beautiful and accurate musical landscape in which the reader will easily locate our hero’s adventures.


• Luys Milan: Pavana VI
• Luys Milan: Romance de Durandarte
• Luys Milan: Romance de Valdovinos
• Anonymus: Al alva venid
• Anonymus: Que me quereis, caballero
• Anonymus: Romance de Don Gayferos
• Anonymus: Madre, la mi madre
• Anonymus: Ay luna que reluces
• Anonymus: No hay que decirle el primor
• Anonymus: Que bonito nino chiquito
• Anonymus: Romance del Marques de Mantua
• Anonymus: Al villano se la dan
• Juan Aranes: A la vida bona
• Alonso Mudarra: Gallarda
•Alonso Mudarra: Fantasia X sobra la folia
•Alonso Mudarra: Beatus ille
•Francisco Guerrero: Prado verde y florido
•Antonio Martin y Coll: Canarios; Villanos
•Antonio Ribera: Romance de Cardenio
•Diego Ortiz: Reccercadas segunda & octava
•Luys de Narvaez: Romance del Conde Claros
•Gabriel Mena: De la dulce mi enemiga
•Diego Pisador: Flerida, para mi dulce y sabrosa
Muzyka klasyczna
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Don Quixote, Music around the Novel

(Produkt nie został jeszcze oceniony)

cena 45,00


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