Reinvere, Jüri

Reinvere: Ship of Fools

Estonian Festival Orchestra;
Järvi, Paavo
nr katalogowy
Alpha 1056
Jüri Reinvere, born in Tallinn in 1971, is an Estonian composer with a passion for theology and psychology; he has also written poetry. His collaboration with Paavo Järvi began in Pärnu, the birthplace of the Estonian Festival Orchestra, in 2016. This programme begins with And tired from happiness, they started to dance, in which feverish rhythms are followed by moments of ecstasy. Debussy’s music here comes to mind, as does the glistening brass in Bruckner’s symphonies. This is followed by a playful double concerto for flute — Reinvere had studied the flute, and it was thanks to this that he was able to join a military band instead of fighting in the Soviet army. On the ship of fools is inspired by the key phrase of a 16th-century novel: Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur (The world seeks to be deceived, therefore let it be deceived). “People deceive each other on Facebook and Instagram”, comments Reinvere, whose music is both heady and troubling.


•Reinvere: And Tired From Happiness, They Started to Dance
• Reinvere: Concerto for 2 Flutes, Strings and Percussion
• Reinvere: On the Ship of Fools
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Reinvere: Ship of Fools

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cena 79,00


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