różni kompozytorzy

De Pasión Mortal

pełny spis kompozytorów
Purcell, Henry;
Monteverdi, Claudio;
Ramirez, Ariel;
Rodriguez, Silvio;
Rojas, Nico;
Mendez, Tomas;
Jara, Victor
Kenny, Elizabeth;
Mulroy, Nicholas;
Carr, Toby
nr katalogowy
CKD 746
With these songs from seventeenth-century Europe (Monteverdi and Purcell) and modern Latin America (Rodriguez, Jara, and others), two golden ages of song are juxtaposed on De Pasión Mortal. This is a vivid album that invites listeners into this wonderful, evocative music and to reflect on eternal human themes: love, loss, fear, ecstasy, and much more besides. Nicholas Mulroy, Elizabeth Kenny and Toby Carr offer performances of songs that are separated by time and space, but united by much else, and find expression in music full of beauty and unflinching truth. This pairing of old and new conveys a sense that, while the world turns and changes, people do not.


•Victor Jara: Te recuerdo Amanda
• Tomas Mendez: Cucurrucucu paloma
• Henry Purcell: O! fair Cedaria
• Henry Purcell: In the black diesmal dungeon
• Henry Purcell: Prelude - If love's a sweet passion - Gigue
• Henry Purcell: The sparrow and the gentle dove
• Henry Purcell: Fantasia G-Dur
• Henry Purcell: By beauteous softness
• Henry Purcell: An Evening Hymn
• Claudio Monteverdi: Tempro la cetra
• Silvio Rodriguez: Hoy mi deber
• Silvio Rodriguez: Oleo de mujer con sombrero
• Silvio Rodriguez: Ojala
• Silvio Rodriguez: La Gaviota
• Ariel Ramirez: Alfonsina y el mar
• Nico Rojas: Retrato de un medico violinista
• Rafael Hernandez Marin: Silencio
Muzyka klasyczna
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
De Pasión Mortal

(Produkt nie został jeszcze oceniony)

cena 79,00


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