Quantz, Johann Joachim

Quantz: Complete Flute Sonatas Vol. 1

Csalog, Benedek;
Pétery, Dóra
nr katalogowy
The start of a prestigious and comprehensive recording project: the complete 200 Sonatas for Flute and Basso Continuo by Johann Joachim Quantz (1797-1873), for the first time in history!

Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773) was a composer, theorist, flutist and flute maker of great name and fame. Despite being of humble origin he quickly rose to great eminence, becoming a personal friend and court composer of Frederick The Great, living happily at the sumptuous Potsdam court for 32 years, where he produced hundreds of works for the flute, playing them on the specially devised instruments that brought out their particular melodic beauty.

Benedek Csalog about this project: “When recording the sonatas, we tried to properly reconstruct their contemporary performance conditions. These include the use of a replica of an original flute built by Quantz, played on the pitch, which was a whole tone lower than today. We chose a hall that is very similar in size, proportions and acoustics to the music hall in Potsdam, where a part of the famous music evenings took place. And the recording technology reproduces without any manipulation what the listener could hear from the performance in such a hall from a distance of about 5 meters.”

The Hungarian baroque flute player Benedek Csalog, winner of most prestigious early music competitions, among others Concours Musica Antique, Brugge (Belgium), graduated at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague in the class of Barthold Kuijken. He has been performing as a soloist in most of the European countries, Japan, North and South America, and the Middle East. He was a guest artist at major festivals, such as Utrecht Early Music Festival, Festival van Vlaanderen, Stockholm Early Music Festival, St. Petersburg Early Music Festival, etc. He played with iconic artists such as William Christie, Sigiswald Kuijken, Barthold Kuijken and Emma Kirkby as his partners.
Muzyka klasyczna
Brilliant Classics
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Quantz: Complete Flute Sonatas Vol. 1

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