Bach, Johann Sebastian; Pärt, Arvo

Pärt über Bach

Amsterdam Sinfonietta;
Thompson, Candida;
Lamsma, Simone
nr katalogowy
CCS 46624
Violinists Simone Lamsma and Candida Thompson explore connections between J.S. Bach and Arvo Pärt on their new release Pärt über Bach with Amsterdam Sinfonietta. Arvo Pärt’s groundbreaking Tabula Rasa is presented alongside Bach’s Concerto for Oboe and Violin in the version for 2 violins, and Pärt’s own Collage über B-A-C-H, written in 1964 wherein the Estonian master intertwines his own modernist music with phrases from J.S. Bach’s music.

"Turning to Bach was for me a way of stating my position regarding my experience with twelve-tone music. In my state of extreme discomfort at that time I wanted to prove to myself how beautiful Bach’s music was, and how hateful mine was. [---] I was convinced that through this musical sacrifice I could gain a clearer vision of my own contradictions." - Arvo Pärt


•Bach, J S: Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV21, Erster Teil: Sinfonia
• Pärt: Tabula Rasa
• Pärt: Collage on B-A-C-H
• Bach, J S: Concerto for Violin and Oboe in C Minor, BWV1060R (Version for Two Violins)
• Pärt: Silouan's Song
Muzyka klasyczna
Channel Classics
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EAN / kod kreskowy
Pärt über Bach

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cena 79,00


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