In 2001 ECM released a disc under the title Morimur on which the violinist Christoph Poppen and the Hilliard Ensemble presented the findings of the musicologist Helga Thoene. She had discovered a whole series of fascinating numerical relationships in the music of Bach, especially in the sonatas and partitas for violin, shedding light on messages the composer had hidden 'between the lines'. Three years earlier, in 1998, Glossa had already releasedrecording based on the Thoene studies. Here, the voices of Emma Kirkby and Carlos Mena recreated the choral parts of "Christ lag in Todesbanden", enveloped by the magical sonority of José Miguel Moreno's baroque lute in his exquisite transcription of the D minor Ciaccona for violin. Now re-edited within the Glossa Platinum collection, this is a fundamental part of the Glossa catalogue, unavailable in stores for some years.
WYCOFANY Vivaldi: Stabat Mater, Nisi Dominus. Salve Regina Concerto pour viole d'amour FII n°2
MIR 9968
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Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bach: De Occulta Philosophia
1 szt
68,00 zł
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