Haubensak / Korber – Works For Guitar & Percussion
Buck, Christian;
Wolfarth, Christian
nr katalogowy
You don't need much to make music in the broadest sense. Christian Buck and Christian Wolfahrt are satisfied with a single tone of the acoustic guitar, repeated on several levels, which is answered by a mighty beat of the snare drum like a haunting. David against Goliath? Further compositions by Edu Haubensack as well as two pieces by Tomas Körber demonstrate even more amazing possibilities of this unequal constellation - true to the principle that less is more. • (WISMART)
RAUTAVAARA: Symphony No. 7; Angels and Visitations
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Edu Haubensak, Edu,
Korber, Tomas
Haubensak / Korber – Works For Guitar & Percussion
1 szt
75,00 zł
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