Hagen Opera Chorus;
Hagen Philharmonic Orchestra;
Markson, Gerhard
nr katalogowy
Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari is best known for his comic operas. With this reputation established, the appearance of Das Himmelskleid in 1927, with its ‘symbolical twilight world… that rises musically to religious greatness and a world of dreams’ was a surprise for critics of the day. The narrative is a parable of a young princess who is born with the ‘Garment of Heaven’, but she forgets this true gift in her greedy pursuit of wealth and power. Das Himmelskleid is perhaps the most profoundly mature of Wolf-Ferrari’s operas, with an amazing sensitivity and feeling for sound and colour that were never bettered.
TCHAIKOVSKY: Variations on a Rococo Theme / BRUCH: Kol Nidrei / BLOCH: Schelomo
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Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno
Wolf-Ferrari: Das Himmelskleid
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119,00 zł
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