Heinrich Marschner, the leading German composer of Romantic opera between Weber and Wagner, was a progressive innovator, bringing to his music a new dimension – the supernatural anti-hero enmeshed in horror, such as the protagonist of Der Vampyr (1828). Before his psychological operas, however, Marschner composed a series of overtures and stage works exploring more conventional material. These have long been overlooked. In this first volume Schön Ella represents Marschner’s mastery of form, skilful orchestration and melodic gifts, while the excerpts from Ali Baba reveal his flair for theatrical concision and mood setting.
Bériot: Violin Concertos Nos. 4; 6 and 7; Scène de ballet; Air varié No. 4
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Marschner, Heinrich August
Marschner: Overtures and Stage Music Vol. 1
1 szt
58,00 zł
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