Tovey: Chamber Music Vol. 3 - The Complete Cello Sonatas
Neary, Alice;
Gould, Kate;
Dowdeswell, Gretel
nr katalogowy
TOCC 0497
Sir Donald Tovey (1875–1940), long hailed as one of the finest writers on music in English, saw himself primarily as a composer. His occasionally turbulent friendship with Pau Casals was the spur for a monumental concerto and one of his three cello sonatas: for solo cello, two cellos and cello with piano. The cello was the ideal instrument for Tovey’s Brahmsian musical language, with its long, singing lines unfolding in effortless counterpoint – though the huge passacaglia that ends the solo sonata also demands a virtuoso technique. The brief Bach arrangement recorded here for the first time arose when the twelve-year-old Tovey added a cello line to one of Bach’s best-known preludes, originally for lute.
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Tovey, Donald
Tovey: Chamber Music Vol. 3 - The Complete Cello Sonatas
1 szt
58,00 zł
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