Described by the New Yorkeras an “acknowledged chamber-music master”,Pierre Jalbert returns to Orchid withan album of world-premiere recordings that celebrate his long relationship with the outstanding Escher Quartet, as well as paying tribute to flautist Carol Wincenc during her 50th anniversary season.
Though the string ensemble is the common thread in all of these recorded works, their inspiration and ideas are quite varied. In String Quartet No.4, dynamic shapes and configurations – spiral, waveform, labyrinth – are the catalysts for each movement, whereas String Quartet No.6 (“Canticle”) invokes the idea of ritual –coloured by the use of small, bell-like disks called crotales.
Air in Motion brings flautist Carol Wincenc into the ensemble, adding a new dimension suggested by the flow of air through a column of metal.
Górecki: Concerto-Cantata, Little Requiem for a Certain Polka, Three Dances, Harpsichord Concerto
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Jalbert, Pierre
Jalbert: Air in Motion
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