Veverka, Vilém;
Ensemble Opera Diversa;
Tardonová, Gabriela
nr katalogowy
TOCC 0551
The music of the Moravian composer Jan Novák (1921–84) – a natural successor to Bohuslav Martinů, with whom he briefly studied – is nothing less than life-enhancing: it has Martinů’s rhythmic charge and his unflagging energy. And although Novák had such difficulties with the authorities in Communist Czechoslovakia that he chose to emigrate, there is an infectious optimism, a joie de vivre, in these three works that is instantly communicative. A second volume of works for chamber orchestra (TOCC 0565) is in preparation.
Telemann: Twelve Fantasias / Britten: Six Metamorphoses
SU 4121-2
Napisz recenzję dla: Novák: Orchestral Music Vol. 1
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Novak, Jan
Novák: Orchestral Music Vol. 1
1 szt
58,00 zł
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