American-Armenian composer Alan Hovhaness was a significant representative of 20th-century music – a composer who sought a path independent to the fashions and trends of his time. He avoided the European avantgarde, instead embracing Armenian and oriental traditions as well as Medieval and Renaissance music. This second volume includes the sonic atmospheres of Hermes Stella, dedicated to the poet-philosopher-mystic Francis Bacon, and the complex and fascinating Piano Sonata ‘Journey to Arcturus’ which takes us to one of the most visible stars from Earth. MusicWeb International considered Alessandra Pompili “a splendid young exponent of Hovhaness‘ music” in Volume 1 of this edition (CDS 7701).
RAVEL: Daphnis et Chloe / HOVHANESS: Meditation on Orpheus
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Hovhaness, Alan
Hovhaness: Piano Works Vol. 2
1 szt
64,00 zł
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