Choeur de Chambre de Namur;
Millenium Orchestra;
Garcia Alarcón, Leonardo
nr katalogowy
RIC 437
Semele is a masterpiece. For what else can one call a drama in which the perfect symbiosis of text and music conjures up such suggestive power? ‘To hold the mind, the ears and the eyes equally spellbound’: this recommendation by La Bruyère (Les Caractères: ‘Les ouvrages de l'esprit’) refers to the ‘machine plays’ so adored by the public in the Baroque period. But even without machinery or indeed without sets or real staging, Handel’s oratorio involves us in the tragic fate of his heroine with supreme skill.
The Time of Monteverdi - historia muzyki, wczesny barok 1589 - 1670
RIC 107
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Handel, George Frideric
Handel: Semele
1 szt
139,00 zł
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