Nuit Erik Satie - Live at the Philharmonie de Paris
Horvath, Nicolas
nr katalogowy
GP 874 V
On Saturday 6 October 2018 at the Philharmonie de Paris, Nicolas Horvath sat down to perform ERIK SATIE’s complete works for piano without a break. The event was captured in this fascinating film by acclaimed director Thierry Villeneuve and features selections from Horvath’s marathon eight-hour performance, filmed in black and white. This immersive visual experience sees Satie’s mysterious and timeless music brought to life in a dreamlike conflation of past and present in front of a captivated audience.
Perfect Moods - Contemplative, contemporary piano miniatures
GP 898X
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Satie, Erik
Nuit Erik Satie - Live at the Philharmonie de Paris
1 szt
89,00 zł
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