Mozart: Violin Concerto No. 3, Symphony 'Jupiter', Le nozze di Figaro Overture
Chauvin, Julien;
Le Concert de La Loge
nr katalogowy
Alpha 776
Julien Chauvin and Le Concert de la Loge join Alpha and launch a new cycle devoted to Mozart. This project is a natural continuation of Julien Chauvin’s work of rediscovery focusing on the interpretation of the music of Haydn and his contemporaries in Paris in the late eighteenth century. The first recording assembles the majestic and grandiose Symphony no.41 in C major, known as the Jupiter, the Violin Concerto no.3 in G major and the Overture to Le nozze di Figaro. Julien Chauvin is, of course, the soloist in the violin concerto and, with his Concert de la Loge (which is no longer ‘Olympique’, since the French National Olympic Sports Committee forced the ensemble to amputate its name in 2016, despite the fact that it dates from...1782), they embark on a Mozartian marathon that promises to be electrifying!
Mozart: Requiem; Paisiello: Messe pour le sacre de Napoléon
Alpha 919
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Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart: Violin Concerto No. 3, Symphony 'Jupiter', Le nozze di Figaro Overture
1 szt
79,00 zł
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