The Italian virtuoso Carlo Grante presents some of the most technically demanding Bach reminiscences by Ferruccio Busoni on this CD - the Six Preludes and Fugues from 1997, dedicated to himself, represent - in the best sense of the word - postmodern music between tradition and modernity. Similar to art or architecture, this is not understood as a conflict, but rather creatively implemented without worrying. H. apart from both clichéd nostalgia and the compulsive will to overcome, as characterized the modern age of the last century.
Rachmaninov: 13 Preludes; Variations On A Theme of Corelli; Isle of the Dead
Napisz recenzję dla: Inspired by Bach
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Produkt został dodany do koszyka
Busoni, Ferruccio,
Troncon, Paolo
Inspired by Bach
1 szt
45,00 zł
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