Gesualdo: Dolcissima mia vita - Madrigali a cinque voci, Libro quinto (1611)
Collegium Vocale Gent;
Herreweghe, Philippe
nr katalogowy
LPH 036
Philippe Herreweghe records his third disc devoted to a controversial figure in the world of music and art in general: Carlo Gesualdo, who had his wife murdered and is suspected of having his son smothered. This time Collegium Vocale Gent performs his fifth book of madrigals (1611), published two years before his death. A collection that even today contributes to the eternal debate: to what extent does art become impregnated with reality, and how can it be appreciated when it emanates from a mind living so close to horror? Here the bold dissonances and sometimes tortured expressiveness that can be perceived in his harmonic language offer food for thought. Can we speak of redemption through art for a murderous composer in the twilight of his life?
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben - Bach: Cantatas BWV6-99-147
LPH 041
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Gesualdo, Carlo
Gesualdo: Dolcissima mia vita - Madrigali a cinque voci, Libro quinto (1611)
1 szt
79,00 zł
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