Lloyd-Jones, David;
Royal Ballet Sinfonia;
English Northern Philharmonia
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Lord Berners’ early music was avant-garde in style earning the admiration of Stravinsky, and while it was soon to become more accessible, it never lost its distinctive style and flavour. The Triumph of Neptune is one of his major works and his most ambitious ballet score, commissioned by Diaghilev with choreography by Balanchine. A ballet-pantomime-harlequinade, its inconsequential plot features music as diverse as it is brilliantly inventive. L’uomo dai baffi is a delicious ballet for puppets with stripped-back instrumentation, and Philip Lane’s deft orchestrations of Valses bourgeoises and Polka offer ripe wit.
WALTON: Spitfire Prelude and Fugue; Sinfonia Concertante; Hindemith Variations
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Berners, Lord
Berners: The Triumph of Neptune (Complete ballet)
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