Good Friday in 1705: Emperor Leopold I had chosen a macabre story about the prophet Elisha from the Old Testament for devotion for himself and the court. An oratorio that was once again to underpin the unbreakable faith of virtually the entire Holy Roman Empire. Attilio Ariosti (1666-1729), who was working for the Viennese court at the time, created profound, groundbreaking music for it, which shows its creator's extremely great feeling for drama. This recording with the Lorenzo da Ponte Ensemble, conducted by Roberto Zarpellon, allows us to discover yet another masterpiece of Baroque Italian oratorio.
A French Collection - Louis Marchand, Jacques Duphly, Armand-Louis Couperin, Claude-Bénigne, Balbastre, Michel Corrette, Joseph Nicolas, Pancrace Royer
Napisz recenzję dla: Ariosti: La profezia d’Eliseo
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Ariosti, Attilio
Ariosti: La profezia d’Eliseo
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