Cantate Chamber Singers;
Holton-Arms Lower School Chorus;
Snark Ensemble;
Snark Pit-band
nr katalogowy
Maurice Saylor’s setting of Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark is written for a chorus and ‘Snarkestra’, Saylor’s word for his quirky, misfit pit-band. This includes all manner of percussion and woodwinds, as well as such exotica as harmonica, bass accordion and washtub, instruments “reviled by society at large”, in Saylor’s words. To the nonsense text he brings a riot of colour and wit as well as a series of traditional devices such as refrains, sea chanties, and a chorale. The result is music of vibrancy, excitement, and even dangerous volatility. The three silent film scores are pacey, dapper and splendidly jazzy.
Jean Françaix, André Previn, Francis Poulenc: Trios
MDG 903 1827-6
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Saylor, Maurice
SAYLOR: The Hunting of the Snark
1 szt
58,00 zł
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