La Fenice;
Tubery, Jean;
Choeur de Chambre de Namur
nr katalogowy
RIC 283
Ten years after the death of Roland de Lassus, his sons published a vast anthology of his works, more than seven hundred motets from three to twelve parts, under the title of Magnum Opus Musicum in 1604. Liturgical texts predominate, although the volume also includes secular texts that are moralizing or historical in character; some of these latter also illustrate various events in the composer's life during the time that he was in the service of the Archducal chapel in Munich. Jean Tubéry has here selected several motets from three to six parts. A good many of these pieces are recorded here for the first time; not only do they demonstrate the composer's astonishing inventiveness but they even provide us with a glimpse of his sense of humor.
The Heritage of Monteverdi – Monteverdi, Rossi, Marini, India, Castello, Merula, Cavalli …
RIC 374
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Lassus: Magnum Opus Musicum
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