Tausk, Otto;
Raat, Ralph van;
Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic
nr katalogowy
The emotional content, lyricism and direct appeal of Gavin Bryars’s music are unique, reflecting a contemporary composer’s absorption and transformation of several centuries of musical craftsmanship in order to reflect his, and our, own epoch. Originally written for harpsichord, After Handel’s Vesper is a strong illustration of Bryars’s post-minimal interests in early music repertoire. Ramble on Cortona, derived from 13th-century music, makes expressive use of the piano’s resonant qualities, while in the highly-coloured, almost impressionistic The Solway Canal, landscapes pass by as if in a dream.
Rzewski: The People United Will Never Be Defeated !
Napisz recenzję dla: BRYARS: Piano Concerto (The Solway Canal)
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Bryars, Gavin
BRYARS: Piano Concerto (The Solway Canal)
1 szt
58,00 zł
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