RAMEAU: Pigmalion, Platee and Dardanus Ballet Suites
Goodman, Roy;
European Union Baroque Orchestra
nr katalogowy
There is more Rameau on Naxos than one might initially imagine and here three different incarnations of EUBO – a post-graduate student ensemble that is created anew each year – add to the list suites of the kind that always gives as much audible pleasure to the players as to the listeners. If the most recent orchestra (2003) is the best, that is not to de-cry the efforts of their predecessors but simply a comment on the continual rise in the period orchestra standards. Perhaps the greatest compliment one can pay to any orchestra in this repertoire is that one simply forgets who they are in admiration for this composer’s infinite imagination in the fields of melody and above all orchestral colour and I was well into this blissful state before the end of the first suite. If you don’t already have this music you can’t pass over this, especially at the price. You even get a decent booklet. • Early Music America, December 2005
The Genteel Companion A Recorder Recital – Handel, Leclair, Baston ,Chedeville, Telemann …
ALU 0010
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Rameau, Jean-Philippe
RAMEAU: Pigmalion, Platee and Dardanus Ballet Suites
1 szt
58,00 zł
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