BUSONI, F.: Turandot Suite; 2 Studies for Doktor Faust
Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra;
Wong, Samuel
nr katalogowy
Popularity seems to rest as much on chance as on merit, for it is difficult to understand why the Turandot Suite has never become a popular repertory piece. Given its bargain price, it should now reach a wider audience. It has all the qualities of melodic appeal (its fifth movement quotes Greensleeves), resourceful invention and brilliant orchestral colour that should ensure its popularity. The two Studies, the Sarabande and Cortège, written in preparation for his opera, Doktor Faust, remain the composer’s masterpiece, highly searching and imaginative music that can claim to be profound, as, indeed, can the Berceuse élégiaque. Both performances and recording are very good, and this disc serves as an admirable and inexpensive introduction to a fascinating and underrated master. • Penguin Guide, January 2009
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Busoni, Ferruccio
BUSONI, F.: Turandot Suite; 2 Studies for Doktor Faust
1 szt
58,00 zł
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