American Percussion Works is a rare collection of seldom heard works each with specific rules or themes as basis for the compositions. In John Cage’s First Construction the principle is based on the figure 16. Alberto Ginastera’s work Cantata para América Mágica, used pre-Columbian texts based on the conditions of human life, with war, natural phenomena, daybreak, night and love. Lou Harrison mixes non-European forms which ‘follow the pattern of having a single melodic part accompanied (or enhanced) by rhythmic percussion’ in his Koncherto. Varèse’s Ionisation also enters a new land being his first solely percussive work where ‘he finds a new grammar for the language of music’.
Isn´t this a time? - American Music for Clarinet: Cage Wolff …
MSV 28553
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American Percussion Works
1 szt
58,00 zł
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